New Ideas to Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is at the core of marketing practice, yet practically does not help much due to lack of innovation in the segmentation strategy. The forecasting study no longer involves only looking at demographic indices or age groups. It is wide, complicated and micro-segmented. A comprehensive theme “18-24 year old males” is too broad a category to adequately describe a customer base.

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Increase your Business Value with Business Analytics

Business analytics collects raw data, measures and analyses the data and transforms data into a competitive advantage to help you improve your business. The resulted analysed data supports sales growth and ROI.

Business analytics (BA) not only help the organisation culture and your business, but also the managers to sell the value of analytics better.

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The 3 Successful Elements to Data-Driven Marketing

Marketing is the essence of every business and is essential for the growth of your business. However, marketing without a goal and accurate data will be of no value in this competitive market. In today’s aggressive market, surviving is only feasible with data-driven marketing for which you need to build up a data-driven strategy.

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